Soul Stories and Blog

We are spiritual beings having a human experience granted the greatest gift of all – our free will to choose…. and in those choices, they become our experiences for the natural development of our soul.

Faith Kept Me Company

I recall a child who came in with intractable dystonia. Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction can be one muscle or so severe as in this child’s case and affect her whole body to twist into an abnormal...

In The Morning Stillness Comes The Dawn of A New Day

In the morning stillness, behind the first dim of light, comes rolling in softly where Spirit is most close. You have arrived from your unconscious to the brink of consciousness. Thoughts begin to roll in like the gentle waves along the ocean side, like the sprinkle...

Single Step

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tze. These words are printed on a banner that hangs on the corridor wall to my children’s bedrooms.   These words are so profound because life is a journey.  It is a journey of many thousand miles.  ...
Faith Kept Me Company

Faith Kept Me Company

I recall a child who came in with intractable dystonia. Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction can be one muscle or so severe as in this child’s case and affect her whole body to twist into an abnormal...

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In The Morning Stillness Comes The Dawn of A New Day

In The Morning Stillness Comes The Dawn of A New Day

In the morning stillness, behind the first dim of light, comes rolling in softly where Spirit is most close. You have arrived from your unconscious to the brink of consciousness. Thoughts begin to roll in like the gentle waves along the ocean side, like the sprinkle...

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Single Step

Single Step

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tze. These words are printed on a banner that hangs on the corridor wall to my children’s bedrooms.   These words are so profound because life is a journey.  It is a journey of many thousand miles.  ...

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